"The latest events in Peckham highlight the utterly redundant nature of the “Bame” acronym, which tends to mask the reality that some of the sharpest …
Recent Op-Eds
Leicester: a powder keg waiting to explode
"A diverse society is not worth celebrating in and of itself. It needs to be tied together by shared values, mutual obligations and a sense …
Tamworth is Labour’s route back to Middle England
"If Labour can both engage with voters’ economic insecurities and value their cultural feelings of Englishness, then it may win Tamworth in the forthcoming by-election." …
Kids don’t need teachers who ‘look like them’
"There are many social, economic and cultural factors that shape pupil performance in English schools. But the racial and ethnic identity of schoolteachers isn’t one …
How should Labour approach the ‘culture wars’?
"A sensitive approach to delicate cultural matters…could not only help Labour win an election, but also bridge social divides – and stop Britain following America …
Britain has learnt nothing from the Leicester riots
"What last year’s events in Leicester showed is that diversity is by no means an unadulterated good in modern Britain, and its complexities are too …
The A-level results expose the myth of ‘white privilege’
"The progress made by many ethnic-minority pupils in inner-city London should be celebrated. But it should also serve as a reminder that race is one …
Anti-white bigotry is the inevitable consequence of Sadiq Khan’s toxic identitarianism
"What all of this shows is that so-called ‘whiteness’ is viewed by some as undesirable. The reality is that ‘diversity, equality and inclusion’ all too …
In Sadiq Khan’s world everyone else is a ‘culture warrior’
"It’s doubly ironic to hear a politician like Khan railing against culture warriors, given what a divisive figure he is himself." My latest @CapX on …
The missed chance to send warning to abusive fathers – especially those who resist integration
"A patronising display of double standards, which holds white-British defendants to a higher bar than immigrants from underdeveloped parts of the Indian subcontinent with different …