The prime minister has sought to downplay the political and ideological character of the summer's violent disorder – choosing to simplistically characterize it as mindless …
Keir Starmer is letting Muslim communities down over Southport

The prime minister has sought to downplay the political and ideological character of the summer's violent disorder – choosing to simplistically characterize it as mindless …
"Prime minister Sir Keir Starmer must reassert his lines in the sand – no to financial reparations over colonialism, and no to apologising for the …
"Can the Labour Government truly be trusted to take a fair approach to matters of law and order in modern Britain? Is it capable, indeed …
There has been an urban cross-denominational reinvigoration of Christianity, with London – the most socially conservative region in Britain – being the epicentre of this …
"Freer’s decision to walk away from British politics for fear of his personal safety is yet another example of the Islamist-inspired erosion of British parliamentary …
What the UK must do is return to bread-and-butter law and order – not creating poorly-crafted definitions of extremism which can be exploited by those …
"First-generation Muslim migrants appear to be some of the most optimistic people in the UK – appreciative of the opportunities, protections, and freedoms provided under …
"The fact that so many Tory politicians and supposedly ‘straight-talking’ media personalities came out in support of Sunak’s speech and considered it to be a …
"Islamist extremists are looking to fragment governance of the public sphere in their favour – benefiting from weak mainstream political ‘leadership’ and collapsing state authority." …
"It is vital not to romanticise modern Britain, where some of the sharpest social tensions are between and within ethnic and religious minorities. Diversity is …