My latest @Telegraph on Qari Abdul Rauf. A convicted child sex offender who ferried a 15-year-old girl to a flat in Rochdale to be sexually …
Recent Op-Eds
Rochdale has exposed the horrors of political correctness
"Many of our state agencies, infected by an indifference to public service and a socially corrosive identity politics, have fallen woefully short of what is …
Britain is importing third world conflicts onto its streets
"It is high time our political classes truly grasp the complications that come with rising ethnic and religious heterogeneity. Diversity is anything but an unadulterated …
The UK’s asylum system is a dangerous joke
"Any self-respecting, self-governing nation must have democratic control over its own borders. The UK’s asylum system is a dangerous mess. This is bad news for …
Multiculturalism is tearing Britain apart
"The Conservative government has still done little to arrest the state’s descent into the identitarian quagmire. The problem is that the alternative – a Labour …
Identitarianism is rotting British social policy
The UK needs a reckoning when it comes to its thinking on social mobility. It must distance itself from paralysing American-style obsessions with race and …
Britain’s shameful betrayal of its Afghan allies
"This awful episode speaks to our moral disarray when it comes to questions of asylum. Here is a clear-cut case of people who need and …
There is nothing ‘anti-racist’ about identitarian activism
The fact that Dr Tony Sewell can have the offer of an honorary degree withdrawn by one British university, while Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu can be …
Faith and belonging
Compared to non-believers, why do religious Britons have a stronger sense of belonging when it comes to their own family, friendship group, working life, and …
The London council that almost cancelled Hanukkah
"Not only was Havering threatening to cancel a religious celebration that has long brought joy and happiness to the capital; it was also pandering to …